Logging the User In - Implementation

1 - Route Name

Let's add the route and the controller in first.

POST /api/v1/auth/login

File: src/routes/index.js

const express = require('express')
const router = express.Router()

const userRoutes = require('./user.route')
const authRoutes = require('./auth.route')

function getRouter() {
  router.use('/users', userRoutes)
  router.use('/auth', authRoutes) // our new route

  return router

module.exports = getRouter

File: src/routes/auth.route.js

const express = require('express')
const router = express.Router()
const { logUserIn } = require('../controllers/auth')

router.post('/login', logUserIn)

module.exports = router

File: src/controllers/auth/logUserIn.js

const catchExceptions = require('../utils/catchExceptions')

const logUserIn = catchExceptions(async (req, res, next) => {
  // Code goes here...

2 - Input Request

Next we'll add in the DTO, let's call it loginUserRequestDto.

const ApiException = require('../utils/ApiException')

const fields = ['email', 'password']

const loginUserRequestDto = (data) => {
  const errors = []
  fields.forEach((field) => {
    if (!(field in data)) {
      errors.push(`This DTO's property is required: ${field}.`)

  if (errors.length > 0) {
    throw new ApiException({
      status: 'error',
      code: 422,
      message: 'loginUserRequestDto failed.',
      data: null,

  return data

module.exports = loginUserRequestDto

3 - Middleware


4 - Validation

Now time for the validator.

const Validator = require('validatorjs')
const ApiException = require('../utils/ApiException')

 * @param {*} data {
 *  - email
 *  - password
 * }
 * @returns Validator
const loginUserValidator = (data) => {
  const rules = {
    email: 'required|email',
    password: 'required'

  const validator = new Validator(data, rules)

  if (validator.fails()) {
    let errors = []
    for (const field in validator.errors.errors) {
      errors = errors.concat(validator.errors.errors[field])

    throw new ApiException({
      message: 'There were errors with the validation',
      status: 'error',
      code: 400,
      data: null,
      errors: validator.errors.errors

  return validator

module.exports = loginUserValidator

5 - Domain

For checking if there is a match in our database, we'll use our userModel that was created in the last section.

We'll add a new method called findUserByEmailAndPassword which will simply use our userModel to do a find in our database.

File: src/domain/services/userRepository.js

const UserModel = require('../models/user.model')

 * @param {*} user {
 *  - name
 *  - email
 *  - password
 * }
 * @returns user
const findUserByEmailAndPassword = async (userData) => {
  const foundUser = await UserModel.findOne(userData)
  return foundUser

Once we have database query done, we'll add a new method called loginUser and use it in our authService. Notice here that we throw and exception if we do not find any users in the database. This would mean that the client's request has failed.

File: src/domain/services/authService.js

 * @returns user
const loginUser = async (user) => {
  const loginUser = await userRepository.findUserByEmailAndPassword(user)

  if (!loginUser) {
    throw new ApiException({
      status: 'error',
      code: 400,
      message: `Invalid credentials, please try a different email and password combination.`,
      data: null,
      errors: [
        `Invalid credentials, please try a different email and password combination.`

  return loginUser

6 - Events


7 - Response

Now to put everything all together. We'll reuse our userResponseDto from last section and log the user into our session with a simple req.session.user.

Once again, our code looks nice and clean 😎.

 * Logs the user in and set a session for it.
const logUserIn = catchExceptions(async (req, res) => {
  const loginUserRequest = loginUserRequestDto(req.body)


  // if the user's email and password match in our database
  // then set the current session to that user
  const loggedInUser = await authService.loginUser(loginUserRequest)

  // If there we find a user with authService.loginUser, then
  // we'll set the current session to that user
  req.session.user = loggedInUser

  const userDto = userResponseDto(loggedInUser)

      status: 'success',
      code: 200,
      message: `The user has successfully logged in.`,
      data: userDto,
      errors: null

module.exports = logUserIn

Last updated